Rapid Data’s Self-Service modules are designed to supplement our payroll
offerings by giving your employees and managers user-friendly and secure
access to their records via the Internet. With these new modules, your
employees and their managers can use electronic methods to communicate
with your payroll department rather than the manual processes that are
commonly in-place. This helps relieve your payroll staff of seemingly
endless data retrieval tasks and keep your workforce better informed.
Employee Self-Serve
The employee self-service module provides your employees with real-time
displays of over 60 data elements specific to their payroll records.
This includes pages for employee master information, placement data,
recurring earnings and voluntary deductions, W-4 status, time-off
accrual balances, and more. They can even print (or re-print) their
current or historical pay stub information. It enables your employees
to get the information they want, when they want it – greatly reducing
the time you spend responding to data inquiries.
Significant Benefits Include:
- Quick and Convenient Data Response
- Paperless Communications
- Improved Accuracy of Data
- Greater Workflow Efficiency
- Increased Productivity
- Reduced Overhead Expense
contact us for more details about employee self-serve.
Manager Self-Serve (Coming Soon!)
The manager self-service module will give your managers access to
information about the employees and departments they manage. Actions
such as pay rate changes, placement transfers, time-off balance
adjustments, approvals requests, and more can be controlled and
initiated by each manager individually. This streamlines the
communication process, reduces paperwork, saves time, and helps
your managers keep their team on track with your organizations
strategic business goals.
Significant Features Include:
- Pay Rate Assessment and Changes
- Promotions and Placement Adjustments
- Attendance Review and Evaluation
- Time Off Requests and Approvals
- Personal and Company Level Directories
- Departmental and Supervisory Reporting
contact us for more details about manager self-serve.
Self-Service Integration
Our Self-Service modules are completely integrated with our Premium
Payroll products – in fact, they both use the same payroll database
so the information is always accurate and never out-of-date.
Additions and changes made in our Advanced Payroll products are
almost immediately available in the self-service module for review
and reference. This gives your employees and managers confidence
in your payroll department and in the self-service tools you have provided.